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Groeten, Walter
Opleidingen voor outdoor-liefhebbers
Assistant Buitensportinstruktteur, Buitensportinstrukteur, Hoofdinstrukteur Buitensport CIOS Goes (NL)
Bergsport trainingen: touwleiderscursus, bergreddingstechnieken, alpien wandelleider, e.d. NKVB (NL)
Buitensportinstrukteur (assistant, junior, senior) Avonturenburo Pro-Motion (NL)
Camping Evaluator ANWB (NL)
Cursus Buitensportinstructeur Voshaar (NL)
Leisure Management Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland, Leisure Management School Leeuwarden (NL)
Opleiding (Outdoor)Sport, Management en Ondernemen - Hogeschool van Amsterdam (NL)
Opleiding tot assistant, junior, en senior buitensportinstrukteur Pro Motion (NL)
Outdoormanagement - CIOS Goes (NL)
Reis(bege)leiders opleiding diverse instituten
Reisverhalen schrijven, reisjournalistiek Diverse journalistieke opleidingsinstituten en schrijversvakscholen (NL)
Toerisme LOI (NL)
Trainersopleiding YMCA (NL)
Vrijetijds Management Breda (NL)
Vrijetijdskunde NTI (NL)
Adolescent Outdoor Instructor Practicum - Hurricane Island Outward Bound School's Southern Land (USA)
Adventurous Activity Instructor - Duchy College (UK)
Adventurous Activity Leadership Bicton College (UK)
Adventurous Activity Leadership NVQ Level 2 Bicton College (UK)
Ausbildung im Outdoor-Training & Management für die Entwicklung und Veränderung von Personen, Teams und Organisationen Arge Akademie (DE)
Basic Bushwalking Certificate, Daywalk Leader, Assistant Bushwalk Leader (Wirrabara), Bushwalking Leader, Advanced Bushwalking Leader Bushwalking Leadership SA (USA)
Breath Walking Instructor Breath Walk (USA)
Certificate in Outdoor Education and Development - Lakeside YMCA National Centre (UK)
Certificate in Outdoor Recreation Bicton College (UK)
Diploma in Adventure Sports and Recreation - Reaseheath College, Nantwich (UK)
Diploma in Outdoor Recreation (City & Guilds Progression Award) Bicton College (UK)
Dynamic Walking Trainer - Dynamic Walking Institute (USA)
Erlebnispädagogik Guide - Outdoor Trainings Center Bad Münder (DE)
Erlebnispädagogik und Outdoor-Trainer Drudel (DE)
Expedition Leader Training - World Challenge Expeditions Training (UK)
Expedition leadership training - Royal Geographic Society
Fitness Walking Instructor - Body Management (USA)
Foundation in Outdoor Recreation Bicton College (UK)
Geprüfter Wildnisführer - Internationale Wildnisführer Verband e.V.
Higher National Diploma in Adventure Tourism - Birmingham University (UK)
Higher National Diploma in Adventure Tourism City College Manchester (UK)
Higher National Diploma in Adventure Tourism University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Higher National Diploma in Countryside Recreation Management -University of Plymouth (UK)
Higher National Diploma in Sport Science (Outdoor Education) - Coleg Powys/University of Glamorgan (UK)
Higher National Diploma in Sport Studies (Outdoor Recreation) University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Higher National Diploma/Certificate Countryside Recreation Management Bicton College (UK)
Higher National Diploma/Certificate in Adventure Tourism Management City College Manchester (UK)
Jungle Expedition Leader Courses JET Asia
Lehrer und Ausbilder der Erlebnispädagogik, Erlebnispädagoge
Master Professional Practitioner Learning and Development (Level 5) - Kendal College in partnership with Adventure Education Training (UK)
Mountain Leader Training - Mountain Leader Association Board (UK)
National Diploma in Leisure Studies - Reaseheath College (UK)
National Diploma in Leisure Studies - Reaseheath College, Nantwich (UK)
National Diploma in Outdoor Leisure Bicton College (UK)
National Vocational Qualification in Activity Leadership - South Devon College, Torquay (UK)
National Vocational Qualification in Outdoor Education, Development Training and Recreation - Reigate College (UK)
Nordic Walking Instructor -
Oudoor Adventure Education - European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning
Outdoor Action Instructor Training - Princeton University (USA)
Outdoor Action Leader Training - Princeton University (USA)
Outdoor Education Duchy College (UK)
Outdoor Education courses - School of Health Sciences, University Of Soutn Australia
Outdoor Education instruction - Victorian Outdoor Education Association (Australia)
Outdoor Educator Backpacking National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Outdoor Educator Backpacking & River National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Outdoor Educator Mountaineering National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Outdoor Educator Sea-Kayaking National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Outdoor Guide Ausbildung Wildnisschule (Oostenrijk & Zwitserland)
Outdoor Instructor Training Bicton College (UK)
Outdoor Instructor Training Course - Kingsway Adventure Centre (UK)
Outdoor Instructor Work-Study Program Benmore Centre (UK)
Outdoor Leisure Management Bicton College (UK)
Outdoor Trainer & Natur-Trendsport Trainer - Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln: Institut für Natursport und Ökologie (DE)
Outdoor Trainings - Wilderness Education Association (USA)
Outdoor Trip Leader National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Outdoor-Guide, Travel-Guide, Canoe-Guide - Outdoor Academy Europe (DE)
Outdoor-Trainer für Low-elements, Outdoor-Trainer für High-elements, Outdoor-Trainer für GruppenProzesse Aktionsmanagement (DE)
Outdoor-Trainer, Hochseilgarten-Trainer, Klettertrainer - Association of Outdoor Trainers (DE)
Outward Bound Trainings (UK)
Professional Outoor Instructor Duchy College (UK)
Student Instructor Course Laggania (Scotland)
Two Week Instructor Training Travel Class (UK)
Various outdoor courses - Kent University in association with YMCA Lakeside and George Williams College, London (UK)
Vocational training at all levels - Adventure Education Training (UK)
Walking Coach & Instructor - American Walking Association (USA)
Walking Group Leader, Mountain Leader, Mountain Instructor, Mountain Guide Mountain Leader Training (UK)
Walking Group Leader, Single Pitch Award, Mountain Leader, Winter Mountain Leader Award, Mountain Instructor Award (Summer), British Mountain Guide, Diving Instructor, Dive Instructor, Kite Surfing Instructor Outdoor Staff (UK)
Wilderness Leader Training - Princeton University (USA)
Wilderness Studies University of Montana, Missouri (USA)
Winter Mountain Leader Training, Summer Mountain Leader Training, Mountain Bike Leader, Walking Group Leader, Canoe Coach, Kayak Coach Outward Bound (UK)
Winter Outdoor Educator National Outdoor Leadership School (USA)
Bachelors Opleidingen:
Bachelor in Outdoor Leadership Universiy of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Adventure Education - University College Chichester (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Adventure Education With an Emphasis in Outdoor Experiential Education Prescott College (USA)
Bachelor of Arts in in Adventure Tourism Management - Herefordshire College of Technology (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in in Leisure Management (Outdoors Activities)- Herefordshire College of Technology (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Leisure Management (Outdoor Activities) Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Nature Tourism - La Trobe University (Australia)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Adventure Management Inverness University (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Education - La Trobe University (Australia)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Education - Northland College , Ashland, Wisconsin (USA)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Education Prescott College (USA)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Education University of New Hampshire (USA)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Education and Adventure Recreation - Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Recreation and Business University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Management University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Arts in Outdoor Studies (wilderness education, ecotourism, or park service) Alaska Pacific University (USA)
Bachelor of Arts in Recreation & Leisure Studies University of Waterloo (Canada)
Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Leadership - Victoria University (Australia)
Bachelor of Arts in Wilderness Education - State University of New York at Potsdam (USA)
Bachelor of Arts/Science, joint honours with Outdoor Studies - Manchester Metropolitan University
Bachelor of Outdoor Education - Victoria University (Australia)
Bachelor of Recreation Management (Outdoor Leadership) Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Outdoor Education with Environmental Studies University of Edinburgh (UK)
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Adventure Tourism Management University of Plymouth (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism and Environmental Management University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism and Geography University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Ecotoursim and Marketing University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Recreation - Plymouth State College (USA)
Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management - Indiana University Bloomington (USA)
Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Studies Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
Bachelor of Science in Recreation Administration & Outdoor Leadership - Aurora University (USA)
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (Outdoor Activities) - University of Leeds (UK)
Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation - Monash University (Australia)
Bachelor of Technology in Ecotourism Flinders University (Australia)
Undergraduate degrees in Biology and Outdoor Education - Northland College in Ashland Wisconsin (USA)
Masters Opleidingen:
Master in Adventurous Activity Management University of Plymouth / Cornwall College of Higher Education (UK)
Master in Experiential Education - University of Colorado (USA)
Master in Leisure Management (ook "work based")- University Of Technology Of Sidney (Australia)
Master in Outdoor Education - Griffith University (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education - La Trobe University (Australia)
Master in Outdoor Education - Southern Adventist University (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education - University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Master in Outdoor Education - University of Michigan (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education - University of Minnesota (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education University of New Hampshire (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education - University of Northern Colorado (USA)
Master in Outdoor Education - University of Utah (USA)
Master in Outdoor Environmental Education & Outdoor Life Linköpings Universitet (Internationale opleiding in Zweden)
Master in Outdoor Experiential-Based Education - Penn State University (USA)
Master in Outdoor Studies (wilderness education, ecotourism, or park service) Alaska Pacific University (USA)
Master of Arts (Sports and Recreation Management) - Victoria University of Technology (Australia)
Master of Arts in Adventure Based Counseling Prescott College (USA)
Master of Arts in Adventure Education (Distance Education!) Prescott College (USA)
Master of Arts in Adventure Therapy - Liverpool John Moores University (UK)
Master of Arts in Adventure-Based Counseling Prescott College (USA)
Master of Arts in Development Training - St Martin¹s College (UK)
Master of Arts in Outdoor and Environmental Education - Northern Illinois University (USA)
Master of Arts in Wilderness Therapy - Transpersonal Counseling Psychology Department, Naropa University (USA)
Master of Outdoor Education Griffith University (Australia)
Master of Outdoor Education Administration Georgia State University (USA)
Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Master of Philosophy in Outdoor Education University of Edinburgh (UK)
Master of Science in Experiential Education - Minnesota State University (USA)
Master of Science in Outdoor Education University of Edinburgh (UK)
Master of Science in Outdoor Recreation - Indiana University Bloomington (USA)
Master of Science in Tourisme, Vrijetijd en Omgeving Universiteit Wageningen (NL)
Postgraduate Certificates:
Postgraduate Certificate in Adventure Therapy - John Moores University (UK)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education Outdoor Activities University of Wales Bangor (UK)
Postgraduate Certificate in Outdoor Education and Management - YMCA National Centre, Lakeside, Cumbria (UK)
Postgraduate Diploma in Outdoor Education - University of Otago (New Zealand)
Doctorate Degrees:
PhD in Leisure Behavior - Indiana University Bloomington (USA)
PhD in Outdoor Education University of Edinburgh (UK)
PhD in Outdoor Environmental Education & Outdoor Life Linköpings Universitet (Zweden)