Cumulus Black Friday

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Cumulus responds to Black Friday, with: Repair - Don’t buy! promo
Cumulus·Woensdag 21 november 2018
Promotional campaign: Repair - dont’t buy! applies to all Cumulus products, including those purchased from our partners, it’s not necessary to have a proof of purchase.
Detailed promotion rules:
1. Promotional, free repair is valid until 30 November 2018 (the date of dispatch of products counts);
2. Please send a product by registered shipment to: CUMULUS Opata Hackiego 19 81-211 Gdynia, Poland The shipping costs are covered by the sender, costs of the return shipping of the repaired products will be covered by Cumulus;
3. Please include in the package: description of the damage and your contact details: email address and phone number, so that we can discuss details of the repair;
4. Our standard repair time is 7-10 working days, but due to the pre-Christmas period, the time may be extended to 14 days - if the repair is very urgent, please contact us - we will set deadlines individually;
5. Products sent to us need to be washed and dried (as in the case of warranty repairs) - otherwise they could be sent back without repair;
6. This promotion also includes the service of adding down filling to sleeping bags - service is free, the customers will only cover the cost of the additional down (the amount of down is always set individually).
Regards, Cumulus team
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