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I'm too tired to try and write this down in Dutch( the bottle of wine does little to help).But can someone give the GPS coordinates of Durby in the Ardennen. The battries of my now very old Gps have long since left us for that power station in the sky and with them have taken there memory of the coordinates.
Because of the age of the gps it takes a hell of a long time to get its bearings in a new enviorment thus draining the now already dead battries. What I need is a general pos. so when I'm there at the end of the month I won't be standing in the town square for two hours looking for fu@*ing satalites.
To tell the truth( well my version of it) I can't stand the God dame things; give me a compass or a watch and a clear sky any day, but when' like me you go off wandering alone in the forest for a weekend by yourself you need one. That is to tell the doctor were you are so he or she can help you find your leg and put it back on.Een antwoord in het mooi Nederlands is perfect.
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