Dit is de virtuele expositie van Guillaume Laget. Wil je meer weten over het foto-werk van Guillaume, dan kun je zijn site bezoeken.

"I propose here a visit to the mountain chain of Vercors, in the french alps, and more especially pictures of the most famous mountain there: the "Mont Aiguille". The shape is characteristic: a rock tooth above a forest. The summit is a very large meadow with grass and flowers, surrounded by a 400 meters high cliffs. I'm a french photograph, living in the french Alps, and my favorite subject is moutain photography. Vercors, and the Mont Aiguille, are one of my favourite destination. The picture here were taken from 1999 to 2004, from the roads below, from the moutains around or from the climbing ways and the summit itself. I hope you'll enjoy the travel."

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